Sunday, January 29


What a treat to watch the grades 5 to 8 productions on Thursday evening.   Each of the grades shined and you folks were particularly spectacular.

GRADE 5s - Lorna, Mackenzie, Sydni, Lauren, Sydney, Marion and Rowan - you and your class did a great job.   I loved that your lines were memorized - I could hear each of you.   Some excellent action scenes too.   The set and costumes were so creative - you used those things to your advantage.  Terrific.

GRADE 6s - Aislin, Avery, Janell, Gina, Zach, Nathaniel Samantha and Jack - you and your class did a wonderful show.   I loved how each of you played such a unique character and that each of you really got into the character you played.  It kept things wonderfully fun and entertaining.

GRADE 7s -  Quincy, Jessica June, Emma, Lauren, Jessica, and Christine - you and your class were marvelous.   Great stage presence, style and delivery.   I loved that you all knew your lines and your blocking and used the space on the stage so well.   You kept the pace moving very, very well.

GRADE 8s - Philip, Ross, Cuinn, Meghan, Emily, Shaela, and Luke.  You and your class did a hilarious show - I laughed so much, I almost peed my pants.  I love that none of you were self-conscious - you grabbed onto the moment and went for it!

To all of you, use the lessons from your Theatre Extravaganza experience, and apply them to Twinderella:
  • know your lines - know them inside and out - backwards and forwards - be confident 
  • know your blocking - know where to go, how to get there, when to leave - be confident
  •  project your voice - you want your audience to hear everything - you need to project toward the back wall of the gym - aim your voice that far back -  but do not scream your lines
  •  enunciate - speak clearly - exaggerate your efforts - what might sound funny and over the top if you were having a regular conversation is what you need for a big audience in a gym to hear you
  • get into character - think about your character and just go for it - are you sweet?  smart?   understated?  evil?   funny?  complex?   simple?  some combination of the above?    know the story behind your character and know how the character is feeling - show these things throughout your performance
  •  deliver your character and deliver the story - do not be self conscious - think about how you can play with the audience and entertain them
  •  most important - have fun - if you enjoy being on stage, if you enjoy your character - your audience picks up on all of that energy and will enjoy you

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